
The Sport Business Partnership

We are proud to announce our new partnership with the Sport Business.

We are proud to announce our new partnership with the Sport Business.

This partnership can provide clubs with additional business support to help make grassroots clubs more sustainable and advise with the development of funding and investment opportunities.

As part of our new membership package clubs with 5 or more teams get 20% of sport business services and clubs who have 11 teams or more also get a free 2 hour consultation. The consultation itself will discuss the ambitions and plans for the club whilst also looking at any main concerns.  The Sport Business will then run through the club’s legal, financial and commercial situation and at the end of the session a 1-page report setting out what steps they recommend the club to take to move the club forward will be provided.

The Sport Business Paul Smith states "We have 8 years’ experience of working with amateur and semi-pro football clubs and making them stronger.  We fully understand the realities and challenges involved with running clubs and our advice and guidance will directly address issues which are holding the club back. 

That might be increasing revenue, decreasing outgoings, securing a long term lease or putting the club on a more secure legal footing to support its growth. 

The consultation will help the club to identify the barriers and the action needed.  Where we can answer immediate concerns we will do that too"

Cheshire FA Senior Football Development Manager Adam Doyle said “It’s one of our key strategic priorities to ensure our clubs are continuing to be sustainable and investable and the relevant support packages are available throughout the season. The Sport Business’ will provide this support as they have significant experience working with Altrincham FC, Salford City FC, City of Manchester Amateur Swim Team and Mellor & Townscliffe Golf Club “

To learn more about the Sport Business please click HERE

To access your free consultation with the Sport Business please contact The Sport Business at Paul@thesportbusiness.co.uk or visit their website.

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