Francis Scoon

National Mentoring Day - Education Through Mentoring

Francis Scoon
Our final article on National Mentoring Day is provided by somebody educating themselves to become a mentor.

I took  Cheshire FA Mentoring Adults course in 2018/19 and immediately I found it informative and challenging in that it got me to question  my approach to how I deliver and instruct players and others to learn.

The sessions were not patronising or aimed to correct my approach, but got me to think about how I deliver my training and whether it could be approached differently to recognised that different people learn and take on instructions differently.

This was followed up by actual onsite visits by the course mentors to support and guide me in the delivery of  my training sessions.

I found the onsite visits helpful , mainly due to the fact that whilst class room learning can be useful; actual practical application/delivery was more beneficial, both for me and my team.