Referees Training and Workshops

Training & Workshops

cheshire fa is committed to providing training and development opportunities for all referees regardless of experience or level.

Online Training & Education Workshops 

These sessions will be held online and an invitation will be sent out prior to each session with the full details. Please see below the dates of this seasons meetings:

Wednesday 11th November- Dealing with Technical Area/Touchline Misconduct

Wednesday 9th December- Effective Game Management

Wednesday 13th January- Mental Resilience Training

Wednesday 10th February- Communication

Wednesday 10th March- Recognising & Reporting Discrimination

Wednesday 14th April- Recognising & Punishing Foul Challenges

Wednesday 12th May- Assistant Refereeing Workshop

All sessions will start at 7pm and will last around 45 minutes to an hour. As a “thank you” for attending each session you will receive an incentive gift from the Referees Department!

Dealing with Technical Area/Touchline Misconduct

This session will be held online, an invitation will be sent out prior to the session with the full details.

Wednesday 11 November
7pm - 8pm
FREE Session

Prior to attending the session please complete the Online Consent Form.

Online Consent Form

Observer and Mentor Workshops

Interested in developing the next generation of referees? Apply to become a mentor or an observer!

Observers will play an integral part in the Cheshire FA promotion scheme. We expect observers to be available at least once a month on either a Saturday or Sunday. For each game, an observation report will be completed and sent in to Cheshire FA via the Observer Coordinator. Observers will require an in-date, FA accepted CRC.

Mentors will play an integral part in new referee development. We expect our mentors to be available at least once a month on either a Saturday or Sunday. For each game, a short mentor report will be completed and sent in to Cheshire FA via the Mentor Coordinators. Mentors will require an in-date, FA accepted CRC.

As a Cheshire FA Referee Mentor you will receive a £10 fee for every newly qualified referee that returns their 5 game form. 

Get In Touch

T: 01606 302003
9:00am - 5:00pm, Monday - Friday